Reduce No-Shows
Take flexible deposits, authorize cards, and enable pre-orders to secure bookings and guarantee revenue, while getting paid instantly via Stripe.
Request A Free Demo

Flexible Deposits and Authorizations
Take deposits or authorize cards to secure bookings with ease. Customize requirements by busy days, times, or party size, ensuring peak times are protected while keeping the process seamless for your guests.

Get Paid Instantly with Stripe
Enjoy immediate payouts directly to your Stripe account when guests are charged. With same-day payouts enabled, your funds are sent daily—no delays, no holds, just fast access to your earnings.

Effortless Deposits via Payment Links
Take deposits even for phone reservations. Send payment links through SMS or WhatsApp, letting guests secure their booking easily while you keep every channel streamlined and hassle-free.

Menu Listing with Pre-Ordering
List your menu and require pre-orders during reservations. guests order and pay upfront, securing their spot and minimizing no-shows—while you streamline operations and guarantee revenue.